Here's my June blogging effort - as i slowly examine and re-examine communications, networking and virtual socializing. Years ago i got in MySpace and Facebook and now have many accounts on things from Lomography to Yelp. I have visited Dot Soul and Second Skin or City or Me -you know the one. I even have created and maintained sites for other folks - famous, dead and otherwise. All these "places" are intriguing and flashy each in their own way. But they have gotten sorta loud - vying for my attention.
Cutting back on these sites - The designing, enhancing and updating - is growing old. I liked them when they were new and different. Now it seems like lots of work.
Anyhow - too much rain is like too much noise, and vice versa. I can't believe that for nearly 4 weeks i gotten rained on whenever i walk my dogs. Of course there are lots of other things, cool stuff and sad stuff, that is happening. It's good to just carry on, Right?
Over and out. Alex
Sick of the rain here too, sinking into despair, does the weather have anything to do with it?